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Plátanos cultivados en armonía con la naturaleza
Somos una empresa de banano orgánico en la República Dominicana que provee banano orgánico de alta calidad, al mismo tiempo que contribuimos a la sustentabilidad ambiental.

Our Environment
Savid strives to not only produce great fruit but to also keep balance with the nature around us. We are currently aiming to be carbon neutral by 2024.
Your Health
Organic fruit often has more beneficial nutrients, than conventionally-grown counterparts. All our farms are certified, guaranteeing to be the healthiest and best-tasting fruit!
Our People
We are committed to improving the lives of our employees and the surrounding community with bonus programs and help from the fair living wage, a fair-trade initiative.
Estamos comprometidos con nuestra filosofía corporativa de mantener los más altos estándares éticos para garantizar el mantenimiento de la confianza de nuestros clientes y la comunidad en la que vivimos.


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